I've been busy. I've made some more cutting boards. This time, all different sizes for the widths and lengths. But they are all 3/4" thick. These are all made from recycled flooring. And all of these boards are edge grain/long grain cutting boards (that means I'm done after the first glue up. Just one overnight glue up as opposed to two overnight glue ups with the end grain boards). The smallest one is 10"x16" and would make a perfect sushi/cheese board. It's made from a beautiful batch of Walnut and has two strips of quarter sawn White Oak running down each side. The next one is my jumbo Pizza Board. It's 16"x 18" and has a striped pattern* made from White Oak and Walnut. It's only 3/4" thin so it's not as heavy as you would think. The other one on the bottom is my favorite. I call it the Autumn Board. It's 12.25"x 17.5" and has a random pattern** of multiple species including: Eastern Black Walnut, American Cherry, Honduran Mahogany, Santos Mahogany, Brazilian Cherry and Sapele. It makes me think of the fall time when I look at it. I envision this one sitting on a wooden counter top in a mountain house somewhere in North Carolina. I know it's a very vivid/specific vision! Haha!
I have a stack of cutting boards that have been glued up but are waiting on the final finish sanding and a coat of mineral oil. So stay tuned because there are more cutting boards to come along with pictures. All of them different. Including: Solid American Cherry, solid Purple Heart, solid Angeline, checkerboard American Cherry and White Oak and a checkerboard White Oak and Walnut. That's the picture of them stacked up waiting to be sanded.
*The striped pattern means that there is a order or sequence to the pattern. For example the one above is walnut, white oak, walnut, white oak, every other throughout the entire board.
**The random pattern means that there is no order as to which species/color I use. I throw a pile of 1.5"x3/4" strips down, shuffle them up and pick them up at random as I'm gluing it up. I close my eyes sometimes if I'm feeling crazy/frisky!
***The Checkerboard pattern is two different species with a random pattern but I flip every other row on the second glue up giving it a checkered pattern..
****The Solid pattern is one species and comes either in edge grain and end grain.